JavaScript - DOMinator project apply JavaScript learn DOM - for free

Create a dynamic interactive web application to update DOM elements, add toggle classes, create new elements dynamically and remove elements

Create a input form - have it update your page elements - have fun while learning element selection and manipulation.
The DOMinator is a set of input fields with buttons that connect to page elements allowing you to update the content and add classes.
Create an web interface to select and update elements from the webpage.  Add and remove elements using the form input and select options.  Demonstrates how to apply DOM manipulation, make element selection all while creating a fun interactive web application.
Course Covers
  • Element selection using querySelector
  • Adding event listeners to elements
  • Creating element on the fly using JavaScript
  • Updating element inner contents inputs and divs
  • adding options to a select input dynamically using JavaScript
  • Removing elements from page
  • Iterating array data and using it within applications
  • Applying logic to create interactive content
  • Add and remove element classes
  • Source Code included.

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