HTML5 And CSS3 - Build Modern Responsive Websites

Course consists of three main parts, first part is about HTML and HTML5, where you will meet everything you need to build the markup, which means the structure of the page. Next Part is CSS and CSS3, which will allow you to design, beautify and make responsive your pages for all screen sizes.

After explaining every main concept, syntax, tricks, weird parts, best modern practices and solutions, we will build together four projects.
Starting from basic simple but nice one, which will be image gallery. It will teach you how to place the element on the page nicely and how to build the simple navigation.
Next we will build kind an intermediate project – which is called Create the best, little bit complicated than previous one, it will consist of three different pages.  
Building those projects will be the base for creating more complicated and advanced projects, like the next one, which is family dream. It represents the construction company website with multiple sections.
And building the last project which is learn with us, will allow you to reach the expert level. We use through the entire course pure HTML and CSS, not JavaScript, jQuery or any other tools. We will show you how to get sometimes the same results using those technologies without helping any programming languages.
To the end of each project we will show you how to make each of them responsive to all devices and screen resolutions, because nowadays millions of users visit the websites by small screen devices, like phones, tablets and etc. This will be very interesting and exciting.

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