Creating and Mixing Patterns

Oh, patterns! Beautiful, inscrutable, mesmerizing patterns, I love them so, and as a quick jaunt around the internet will prove, I am not alone in this love. Great pattern design is at once logical and whimsical, repetitive but surprising, intricate and simple. When a beautiful pattern is applied to the right surface it has the power to delight and amaze. Equally so, an unresolved pattern, or poor application, has the power to drive our visual senses to madness. And that’s all before trying to make a pattern work well with another pattern–Amirite?!

What You'll Learn
  • Pattern essentials. The fundamentals of pattern recognition, design and application.
  • Personal style/brand. We’ll focus on creating our own thematic collections of 3 patterns that will mix, match and apply beautifully on a number of surfaces.
  • Expression. Pattern collections are very personal style statements and fabulous opportunities for self-expression. 
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